Change "Tax" to "VAT" for UK store

Hi Craig and the gang.
Any idea how to change the word “Tax” to “VAT” in the checkout etc.
Magento 2.3.3


Hi @M2-Beginner and welcome.

The quickest and most painless option is to install the Magento 2 British Language Pack by CubeWebsites. I use a slightly modified version for my own UK sites. It’ll update things like:

  • Catalog > Catalogue
  • Tax > VAT
  • etc…

Thanks Craig.
So to install, do I just open Putty, cd to root
Then type
composer require cubewebsites/magento2-language-en-gb:*
php bin/magento cache:clean


You’ll want to cd to the Magento Root Directory and run the commands as the “Magento” user. So, for example if my Magento installation was located in /var/www/html/ then the string of steps/commands that I’d use would be…

  1. Switch to English (United Kingdom) in Stores > Configuration > General > General > Locale
  2. SSH Login as Magento user…
  3. cd /var/www/html
  4. composer require cubewebsites/magento2-language-en-gb:*
  5. bin/magento cache:clean

Got this message…
You haven’t provided your Magento authentication keys. For instructions, visit
Authentication required (

This is where you insert your Magento Keys (API that links your store to the Magento Marketplace accounts). They are the same Keys you would have used when you installed Magento.

However, if you didn’t install Magento yourself then you can learn how to get those keys by watching this (How to install Magento 2.3 and build a web server) just after the 38 minute mark. It takes about 2 minutes.

I have the keys but having problems installing composer.
Is there a way to install through FTP.

Are you running on a one-click install? That would certainly seem to explain the obstacles you’re running into. The FTP Method is shown on the GitHub page in the original link.

Yes, it was a one click installer.
Seemed to be the easiest option at the time.
I have learned loads, really just by watching your youtube vids, so would be confident about installing from scratch next time.

I have found a work around by the way for the VAT issue.
stores / config / advanced / developer
Enable translate inline for storefront
I added my ip address in the developer client restrictions box before saving as well,

Looks to have done the trick by just clicking the red boxes and changing the text.