Already have a PHP installed on my computer

Dear sir,
I am new to magento and just watched your magento 2 installation video. My question is that I have already installed a PHP on my computer. Do i need to uninstall it from my computer or if not how can i install magento 2 on my computer with PHP already installed on my computer.

Also I have already installed wordpress and I am running one website through wordpress. In order to design my website on wordpress i needed to install PHP on my computer through wampserver, but now I want to install magento 2 on my same computer and as mentioned in your tutorial we need to install PHP in order to install magento 2. So do I need to uninstall my wampserver/PHP in order to install magento 2 or else how can i manage to install magento 2 with my PHP installed already on my pc. thanks.

Hi @alee and welcome.

I don’t typically recommend installing Magento directly onto a Windows machine. It causes more issues than it’s worth. Instead, I recommend one of the following methods:

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Hi alee,

The virtual box is great. You can create as many virtual machines as you wish. Install many Magentos easily switch between them, backup and restore backups.
It is pretty easy to set it up.

Follow Craig’s post.I highly recommend it.


Thanks Pawel and digitalstartup for your guidence. i will look into this and see if it works.


I used to use wapm but since I read Craig’s post and dicovered Oracle VM Virtual machine I don’t go near wamp. I installed Oracle VM on several devices. You can easly back your installtion up on to a USB and transfer it to a diffenet PC if you wish. I have 3 Magentos on one PC. You can have as many developemnt enviroment as you wish.

Good luck with it :slight_smile:

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