I just want to address a common question that comes up every once in a while…
Which method should I install Magento?
This question comes in all sorts of formats, but my answer is always “Composer is what I recommend”.
However, to help add a little bit of weight to my answer I figured I’d break down the 3 Methods of Installation.
Composer Method
The folks over at Magento use Composer to manage Magento components and their dependencies. Using Composer to get the Magento software metapackage provides the following advantages:
- Reuse third-party libraries without bundling them with source code
- Reduce extension conflicts and compatibility issues by using a component-based architecture with robust dependency management
- Adhere to PHP-Framework Interoperability Group (FIG) standards
- Repackage Magento Open Source with other components
- Use the Magento software in a production environment
- Enables you to install the Magento software and extensions using either the Web Setup Wizard or the command line.
- You can also upgrade the Magento application and extensions using the Web Setup Wizard or command line.
Yes, you do need to take an hour to learn what Composer is/does - But you’re better off in the long run. Also, most online documentation (including this forum) is aimed at the Composer method.
Archive Method
This method is intended for anyone who would prefer to download a compressed Magento software archive (.zip or .tar) from On-premises installation overview | Adobe Commerce. It’s the more “traditional” method for anyone used to doing things the old way (like deploying Magento 1, Wordpress, etc…).
Despite still being able to install Magento extensions via the Web Setup Wizard, you will be forced to upgrade using Composer anyway. Plus, whenever you upload files to your web server you run the risk of breaking File Ownerships, Groups and Permissions.
GitHub Method
This method is intended for anyone who contributes to the Magento Open Source codebase. You should be highly technical, understand Composer and Git commands, and be able to upgrade the Magento system software and extensions using those commands. It’s unlikely that anyone with this expertise would be in here asking for assistance.
Despite still being able to install Magento extensions via the Web Setup Wizard, you will be forced to upgrade using Composer anyway. Plus, whenever you upload files to your web server you run the risk of breaking File Ownerships, Groups and Permissions.
Also, you cannot use Magento in a production environment.
Some of the point above were taken from the Official Magento Documentation. If you would like to learn more than I’d recommend clicking that link.