Connection to Redis failed after 2 failures

Hi Craig,

Since this morning my site is down and i can’t figure out why…

Have you any idea what this means? :

Connection to Redis failed after 2 failures.Last Error : (111) Connection refused

The site was working fine and i have never had any problems with Redis.

I can connect to the server fine through putty or filezila and everything still seems to be there… I can also connect to PphMyAdmin fine too.

Also i have made no modifications to any files recently.

I was actually in the process of copying values from an Excel file into the attribute ‘color’. I don’t know if it’s a coincidence that when i saved it the site stopped working or if it’s something else…

Can you advise what steps i need to take to try and find the problem?


I can’t say I’ve ran into a Redis problem like this before. Perhaps just restart redis as it could have hung/crashed with:

sudo systemctl restart redis

or maybe

sudo systemctl restart redis-server

If it turns out it did crash, you might want to amend some of your redis variables or increase your server specifications to give it room to run (or both).


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Hi Craig,
Just tried to restart redis and i get the following :

Failed to restart redis.service: Unit redis.service not found.

No idea why it can’t be found…

Hmm… Sounds like redis isn’t installed if the service cannot be found. The following command checks the installed redis version. It should return a version. If it’s not installed then you’ll get an error:

redis-server --version

If it’s not installed anymore I certainly cannot explain that…

This seems to have done the trick :

sudo systemctl restart redis-server

The front and back are both working fine now.

This didn’t work :

sudo systemctl restart redis

and the redis-server --version commande brings up : Redis server v=5.0.8 …

Thanks again Craig!

And looking forward to your new videos !!

Sound, I did go back and adjust my answer from redis to redis-server but never mentioned it. If it happens again, think about tweaking those redis/server specs. :+1:

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