Correct file permissions for /var/www/html/var directory

Hi everyone,
I’ve just noticed that my /var/www/html/var folder has 777 access as well as some of the sub directories in that folder.
I’ve followed Craigs ‘How to diagnose and fix Ownership and permission issues’ video. However this does not change the permissions in this folder.

Can anyone tell me what the permissions of the /var/www/html/var folder and sub folders/ files should be ?

Thanks for your help.

Depends if you are using a 2 user system or 1 user system.
If you followed Craig’s setup with “magento” and “craig” users, you are using a 2 user setup…
NOTE: Folder Permissions should be changed when switching between Developer and Production modes.
All the info you need is here…

Short answer (as I understand it) /var/and_subfolders should be 775 if you are using 2 user system, 755 if you are using a 1 user system.

Thanks for the reply Shaun.
I’ll update my folder permissions.

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