Email template - order item layout not appearing

In recent days I was working on email templates and I thought that I’m going crazy.

If I send an order confirmation using Magento default order confirmation all was good, however, when I created my own order confirmation template without any customization product details were not included in the email. Please see the attached screenshot.

I found this post. It might be helpful to some of you. I haven’t tested it yet.

I’m testing on M 2.3.5-p1 + Ubuntu 18.04 Oracle VM.

Note, there are both Customer and Non-Logged in template versions. In the second image, it looks like you’re missing all of your variable placeholders.

Just to clarify, this is a default template for Logged In Customer (Order Confirmation).

{{template config_path="design/email/header_template"}}

    <tr class="email-intro">
            <p class="greeting">{{trans "%customer_name," customer_name=$order_data.customer_name}}</p>
                {{trans "Thank you for your order from %store_name." store_name=$store.frontend_name}}
                {{trans "Once your package ships we will send you a tracking number."}}
                {{trans 'You can check the status of your order by <a href="%account_url">logging into your account</a>.' account_url=$this.getUrl($store,'customer/account/',[_nosid:1]) |raw}}
                {{trans 'If you have questions about your order, you can email us at <a href="mailto:%store_email">%store_email</a>' store_email=$store_email |raw}}{{depend store_phone}} {{trans 'or call us at <a href="tel:%store_phone">%store_phone</a>' store_phone=$store_phone |raw}}{{/depend}}.
                {{depend store_hours}}
                    {{trans 'Our hours are <span class="no-link">%store_hours</span>.' store_hours=$store_hours |raw}}
    <tr class="email-summary">
            <h1>{{trans 'Your Order <span class="no-link">#%increment_id</span>' increment_id=$order.increment_id |raw}}</h1>
            <p>{{trans 'Placed on <span class="no-link">%created_at</span>' created_at=$created_at_formatted |raw}}</p>
    <tr class="email-information">
            {{depend order_data.email_customer_note}}
            <table class="message-info">
                        {{var order_data.email_customer_note|escape|nl2br}}
            <table class="order-details">
                    <td class="address-details">
                        <h3>{{trans "Billing Info"}}</h3>
                        <p>{{var formattedBillingAddress|raw}}</p>
                    {{depend order_data.is_not_virtual}}
                    <td class="address-details">
                        <h3>{{trans "Shipping Info"}}</h3>
                        <p>{{var formattedShippingAddress|raw}}</p>
                    <td class="method-info">
                        <h3>{{trans "Payment Method"}}</h3>
                        {{var payment_html|raw}}
                    {{depend order_data.is_not_virtual}}
                    <td class="method-info">
                        <h3>{{trans "Shipping Method"}}</h3>
                        <p>{{var order.shipping_description}}</p>
                        {{if shipping_msg}}
                        <p>{{var shipping_msg}}</p>
            {{layout handle="sales_email_order_items" order=$order area="frontend"}}

{{template config_path="design/email/footer_template"}}

Note the variables inside “{{}}

{{layout handle="sales_email_order_items" order=$order area="frontend"}}

I was testing on ‘New order Guest’.
This is the content after I loaded the original template.

The default template works, but loaded and saved as it is doesn’t.

    <tr class="email-intro">
            <p class="greeting">{{trans "%name," name=$}}</p>
                {{trans "Thank you for your order from %store_name." store_name=$store.frontend_name}}
                {{trans "Once your package ships we will send an email with a link to track your order."}}
                {{trans 'If you have questions about your order, you can email us at <a href="mailto:%store_email">%store_email</a>' store_email=$store_email |raw}}{{depend store_phone}} {{trans 'or call us at <a href="tel:%store_phone">%store_phone</a>' store_phone=$store_phone |raw}}{{/depend}}.
                {{depend store_hours}}
                    {{trans 'Our hours are <span class="no-link">%store_hours</span>.' store_hours=$store_hours |raw}}
    <tr class="email-summary">
            <h1>{{trans 'Your Order <span class="no-link">#%increment_id</span>' increment_id=$order.increment_id |raw}}</h1>
            <p>{{trans 'Placed on <span class="no-link">%created_at</span>' created_at=$created_at_formatted |raw}}</p>
    <tr class="email-information">
            {{depend order_data.email_customer_note}}
            <table class="message-info">
                        {{var order_data.email_customer_note|escape|nl2br}}
            <table class="order-details">
                    <td class="address-details">
                        <h3>{{trans "Billing Info"}}</h3>
                        <p>{{var formattedBillingAddress|raw}}</p>
                    {{depend order_data.is_not_virtual}}
                    <td class="address-details">
                        <h3>{{trans "Shipping Info"}}</h3>
                        <p>{{var formattedShippingAddress|raw}}</p>
                    <td class="method-info">
                        <h3>{{trans "Payment Method"}}</h3>
                        {{var payment_html|raw}}
                    {{depend order_data.is_not_virtual}}
                    <td class="method-info">
                        <h3>{{trans "Shipping Method"}}</h3>
                        <p>{{var order.shipping_description}}</p>
                        {{if shipping_msg}}
                        <p>{{var shipping_msg}}</p>
            {{layout handle="sales_email_order_items" order=$order}}

{{template config_path="design/email/footer_template"}}```

I confirm, this happens also in 2.3.5-p1 and Magento 2.3.4. if you use Magento version something like please try this.

The solution set in db table: email_template column is_legacy = 1 works!

update email_template set is_legacy = 1 where orig_template_code = ‘sales_email_order_template’;