Hi Craig, I need your help with an error am getting.
Current setup
Fastcomet VPS, Centos 7, Litespeed & PHP 7.3
I was installing an extension via ftp, copied it to /app/ folder but after running
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
I get this error
After that, any command I run returns this error
There are no commands defined in the "cron" namespace
The frontend of the website crashes
Hi @Joe and welcome,
This error message doesn’t seem to give much (if anything) away. My default response for a scenario like this would be:
1 Verify Folder/File Permissions are correct
Ref: How to diagnose and fix Ownerships and Permission issues
2 Manually clear caches
Run from the Magento root directory
rm -rf var/cache/* var/page_cache/* generated/code/*
Otherwise, it’s possible that the module you’re attempting to install is at fault.