This is only a Minor release, so the update is pretty straightforward. However, in order to answer this question correctly, please share the following (The answer may vary based on these 2 question.):
How did you originally install your copy of Magento:
- One-click install
- Pre-installed with server
- Composer install
- FTP install
- Using this guide (How to install Magento 2.3 and build a web server)
- something else
Is this your first upgrade?
Method A: Update 2.3.x to 2.3.4 via Composer
Assuming that you’ve been following along with my guide (as referenced above), then you can just go along and follow the Official Magento Documentation. Which would look something like this:
Important Notes (Read first)
- All commands should be executed from within the Magento root directory as the Magento user.
- There’s a few extra steps I’ve added that aren’t laid out in the page I’ve referenced. However, I adopt these as part of my routine.
- If prompted for keys during the Update, refer to Chapter 3 (Obtain your Magento Access Keys) of my guide (see link above)
- Ensure that you check for typos before running these commands. Everything should be good, but I’m only human.
- Always backup before updating/upgrading
- Always test in a Development Environment first
Step 1: Put your store in Maintenance Mode, so customers can’t interfer
bin/magento maintenance:enable
Step 2: Backup your Store/Server/Database via your preferred method
Step 3: Run the composer command to fetch the latest version (2.3.4
composer require magento/product-community-edition=2.3.4 --no-update
Step 4: Run the composer update (this will also fetch any available 3rd party modules where updates are available
composer update
Step 5: Clean the Magento Cache
bin/magento cache:clean
Step 6: Manually clear generated content
rm -rf var/cache/* var/page_cache/* generated/code/*
Step 7: Update Magento Database and Schema
bin/magento setup:upgrade
Step 8: Recompile Magento Code (If in Production Mode)
bin/magento setup:di:compile
Step 9: Deploy Static Content (replace en_US with your locale reference)
bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy en_US -f
Step 10: Clean the Magento Cache (I always run this immediately after a Static Deploy command)
bin/magento cache:clean
Optional: Clear Varnish (if applicable) May have to run this as a root user
service varnish restart
Optional: Flush Redis (if applicable)
redis-cli flushall
Step 11: Disable Maintenance Mode, so customers can visit the site
bin/magento maintenance:disable
Method B: Update 2.3.x to 2.3.4 via Web Setup Wizard
Personally, I find the Web Setup Wizard slow and a bit hit and miss.
Step 1: Backup your Store/Server/Database via your preferred method
Step 2: Log into the backend System > Web Setup Wizard > System Upgrade
If you run into any issues relating to your personal setup (e.g. 3rd party module conflicts), please start a new post outlying your issue in detail.