Installing Magento2 ; I dont get an Email to make the authentification

Hi Craig,

thank you very much for the great installing video. I followed your steps and did everything like you. The installation was succesfull. i go to my browser tip go to the localhost/thegenerated admin name. put in my adminname and passwort this is succesfull too.
Then the Note:

You need to configure Two-Factor Authorization in order to proceed to your store’s admin area

An E-mail was sent to you with further instructions

But i dont get an Mail to follow a link. What can i do?

Thank you very much

I havent received the email for 2F Authentication as per the comments/suggestions over the video I have disabled the Authentation with the following command -
php bin/magento module:disable Magento_TwoFactorAuth

After this command, will be able to login the admin and do the further steps.
Hope this helps!!!

run this command in magento root directory:

bin/magento module:disable Magento_TwoFactorAuth
bin/magento cache:flush

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Thanks a lot guys. It worked out. Thank you…

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