Is it safe to disable Redis Commands?

Hi Craig, nice to see you back again. it’s been a while since the last update between 2019-2020. Look, I was checking the user guide of Reids (How To Install and Secure Redis on Ubuntu 20.04) from DigitalOcean, they would suggest user disable the command redis-cli flushall and this command will be deleted all keys from existing database, will it be destroy a live site? We are trying to upgrade a magento 2.4.3 live site to latest version 2.4.4.

@Stephen.Ro Hi, welcome.

Disabling the redis-cli flushall command would be ill advised. It’s probably the only Redis command I use.

As Redis is a Database Cache, it won’t destroy your Magento install if you stop using it. You just need to tell Magento to stop using Redis. If I recall correctly, you do that by stripping out the references in <Magento Root>/app/etc/env.php (Ref).

Also, if you’re worried about a bad actor running Redis commands on your server, you’ve probably got bigger problems!

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