Magento 2 one-click installation

Where can I find the this link

The Magento 2 software doesn’t have “one-click installation” because there are too many variables to configure on the web server.

However, if you’re after a simple solution to install Magento 2, you’ll need to find a Web Hosting Provider who offers that service.

The only host I endorse who offers that service is a Magento 2 Web Host Specialist called Nexcess. The SIP-100 option is a good package. When you purchase the service, the company will setup the server and install Magento 2 for you.

I think Cloudways offer something similar, but I’ve never tried it.

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There’s a Magento 2 image on AWS Lightsail but I would not recommend it. As of today it’s on v2.2.5 and uses a Bitnami installer. I wasted a lot of time trying to get it to run properly. I had problems with the default SWAP configuration, PHP version issues and installing any sort of extension or update (some related to the PHP version). I also found it harder to resolve issues because some aspects of Bitnami installs can be unique to Bitnami application images.

It’s not what you are looking for but I would highly recommend following Craig’s excellent Magento 2.3 installation guide. Take your time with it and go step by step - print out the blog version and tick off the steps as you go if you have to. You’ll end up with a much more stable install. I’ve also found that in-life configuration and maintenance benefits from the experience gained during a manual installation.


Thank-you Craig for the reply:grinning:

Just to add my experience on this issue.

Bitnami is a horrible image, gives a lot of troubles and mostly can only be handled by bitnami developers, my suggestion is to steer clear of it.

with regards to magento hosts like- nexcess or cloudways , I never understood why they are more expensive than the similar configuration on DO or AWS or for that matter any other server providers.

@digitalstartup , Could you tell us if there is any difference in the services provided by these specialised hostings services vis a vis the general servers available and does it justify the price difference

I’ve just thrown this together to give you a quick comparison:

Digital Ocean Nexcess (Shared) Nexcess (Cloud) Nexcess (Dedicated)
Price ($ Per Month) ~20 ~20 ~49 ~540
Specs Minimum Minimum Mid Generous
Full Root Access Yes No Yes Yes
Installed with Blank Server Magento Magento Magento
Magento Support None Limited Limited Limited
Server Support None Limited Full Full
PCI Compliant Variable Yes Yes Yes
Optimised for M2 No Yes Yes Yes
Dedicated IP Yes No Yes Yes

DigitalOcean provides a solution to anyone who wants to work with a blank slate. The benefit of working like this is that you can optimise your server however you want. You have full access to try anything. Obviously, the major downside is that: If you break it, you fix it. Plus, you need to know what you’re doing to start off with.

Nexcess provides 3 options ranging from Shared to Dedicated. DigitalOcean is most comparable to Cloud. However, you do get the added benefit of limited support and some pre-installation. And obviously, that works out more expensive. But it’s a good compromise.

Shared ties your hands behind your back. It’s a decent starting point if you have no idea what you’re doing. You won’t get much access to anything but that ensures you can’t break anything. Nothing much more to say here.

Dedicated is when you get your own hardware stack in their datacenter. I use Dedicated servers only for Enterprise-grade solution (e.g. 7-figure annual turnovers).

I hope this helps answer some questions. I’ll update this post if I need to.