Restrict specific countries from accessing my Magento store

How can i lock my website for sertain countries. I was searching for an answer and i found that there are some free extentions. If that is the only option can you at leat recoment me the best extention. What i want to achieve is to leave the site open open in the country i am selling. Thank you for your help. Best wishesh!

Restricting access to your website based on Country (IP) is something you can easily setup on your web server without ever touching Magento. I wouldn’t bother purchasing an extension. Checkout this article I found on Google.

Also, Magento already allows you to restrict shopping cart access in the settings already. You can specify the countries in Stores > Configuration > General > General > Country Options. (Ref Magento Documentation).

You can also specify what countries you allow shipping to depending on your Shipping Rates module. The one that comes with Magento (Table Rates) allows you to set different rates and options based on Destination. (Ref Magento Documentation).

Thank you, Craig :slightly_smiling_face: