Unable to install Porto on 2.4.1

I am beginner to digitalstartup. So may be i am adding my issue to wrong ticket. Is so then i apologize.
I have installed magento marketplace droplet from digital ocean. It comes with the latest version of magento (2.4.1). It provides varnish cache by default. It was a quicl install so i dont have to create server from start.

Now i am having an issue with setup porto theme.
I have successfully installed the porto theme as per the documentation and all the major 3 commands executed successfully without any errors.

Following are the commands which are executed successfully:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f

Now i have setup the porto theme and import the demo 22 and run all those 3 commands after clearing varnish cache (service varnish restart) .

But when i see the site it’s broken by layout and it gives the jquery errors in console. i have tried to fix the permissions but i think i am not doing it in a right way.

Here are the screenshots of my site’s frontend which is broken by layout: https://prnt.sc/v5q8w1
Here is console errors screenshot: https://prnt.sc/v5qfsf

I am confirming again that all the 3 commands are working correctly.

Please provide guidance,
Thanks and Best regards,

Those are not your fault.
2.4.1 has some issues with many themes. Theme creators need to update their themes.
Almost all the popular ones still have the issue. (Infinit, Porto) I tested these two.

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Thank you for the response.
I also contacted support and they provided patch for magent 2.4.1 but after applying the patch i am facing the same issue. Is there any solution for this? Can it be permission issues? becuase there is no error while running magento commands.

Here is part of log from system.log

Class Magento\Framework\App\Config\PostProcessorComposite\Proxy generation error: The requested class did not generate properly, because the 'generated' directory permission is read-only. If --- after running the 'bin/magento setup:di:compile' CLI command when the 'generated' directory permission is set to write --- the requested class did not generate properly, then you must add the generated class object to the signature of the related construct method, only. [] []
[2020-10-24 12:58:42] main.CRITICAL: Can't create directory /var/www/html/generated/code/Magento/Eav/Model/Adminhtml/System/Config/Source/.
Class Magento\Eav\Model\Adminhtml\System\Config\Source\InputtypeFactory generation error: The requested class did not generate properly, because the 'generated' directory permission is read-only. If --- after running the 'bin/magento setup:di:compile' CLI command when the 'generated' directory permission is set to write --- the requested class did not generate properly, then you must add the generated class object to the signature of the related construct method, only. [] []
[2020-10-24 12:58:42] main.CRITICAL: Can't create directory /var/www/html/generated/code/Magento/Eav/Model/Adminhtml/System/Config/Source/.
Class Magento\Eav\Model\Adminhtml\System\Config\Source\InputtypeFactory generation error: The requested class did not generate properly, because the 'generated' directory permission is read-only. If --- after running the 'bin/magento setup:di:compile' CLI command when the 'generated' directory permission is set to write --- the requested class did not generate properly, then you must add the generated class object to the signature of the related construct method, only. [] []
[2020-10-24 12:58:42] main.CRITICAL: Can't create directory /var/www/html/generated/code/Magento/Catalog/Model/ResourceModel/Product/.
Class Magento\Catalog\Model\ResourceModel\Product\CollectionFactory generation error: The requested class did not generate properly, because the 'generated' directory permission is read-only. If --- after running the 'bin/magento setup:di:compile' CLI command when the 'generated' directory permission is set to write --- the requested class did not generate properly, then you must add the generated class object to the signature of the related construct method, only. [] []

Please let me know if there is any solution for this.

Thanks a lot

I believe this is permissions issue. The following tutorial should resolve your issue: How to diagnose and fix Ownerships and Permission issues

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