Upgrading Mag v1

Hi Craig,

As I’m still using M1 I would like to ask you what is the procedure of upgrading it to the newest M1 version. At present, I use 1.9.3.x but I would like to upgrade it to 1.9.4.x.

I don’t want to send more money on developing the site as I’m planning to re-platform to M2.

Probably you did it a few times in the past. Could you give me a tip or refer to a video or a simple article on how to do it?

Thank you.


Woah, I haven’t used M1 since 2017 (I think). And the last upgrade I did was in 2016.

If I recall correctly, I never used the Magento Connect Manager because it seemed totally broken.

Instead I upgraded using the patches that you can download from Magento. If you go to:

  • Magento Tech Resources
  • Select Release Archive tab
  • Scroll down to the heading Magento Open Source Patches - 1.x (about half way down)
  • Take note of the Patch Installation Instructions (I’ve copied below)
  • Scroll down to the heading ver 1.9.x (about 2/3 way down)
  • Download the Update/Patch you want to apply

That’s as far as I can take you. I can’t remember if you have to apply all of the other updates first or not. I’m sure it’ll say somewhere.

Patch Installation (Ref: Magento Tech Resources)
Please upload the patch into your Magento root directory and run the appropriate SSH command:

For patch files with the file extension .sh:
sh patch_file_name.sh
Example: sh PATCH_SUPEE-1868_CE_1.7.0.2_v1.sh

For patch files with the file extension .patch:
patch –p0 < patch_file_name.patch
Once that is done, refresh the cache in the Admin under “System > Cache Management” so that the changes will be reflected. We highly recommend you test all patches in a test environment before taking them live.

For further instructions, see: Installing a Patch for Community Edition

Oh, and it goes without saying stuff like backups and testing etc before deployment…

Hi Craig,

Thank you fro this.
