Urgent help needed for changes in URL

Hi all,

This might be a question that everyone knows in this forum so I’ll hit it :slight_smile:
I want to edit my URL:s so they get to be SEO friendly and my hope is to export a list of all URL:s that I have in my store.
Then I end up with the question - where do I see all the URL:s? For example, my category page “Dresses”. I dont find it under Content -> Pages.
Since the theme I am using, Novetty, has the Drag-And-Drop PageBuilder I thought I might find it there, but no.

So the question is - how do you edit your URL:s for the categories and the products? Where do I see all the URL:s?

Please note, I do not mean the Base URL.

I already made the change to “Yes” on these settings:
Stores -> Configuration -> Web -> Search Engine Optimization -> Use Web Server Rewrites
Stores -> Configuration -> Web -> Url Options -> Add Store Code to Urls

And I have also done this:
On Stores -> Configuration -> Catalog -> Catalog -> Search Engine Optimization I have removed the product URL suffix and removed the category URL suffix.

Hey @MAIA1,

Category URLs are found in Catalog > Categories > [Category] > Search Engine Optimization > URL Key

Product URLs are found in Catalog > Products > [Product] > Search Engine Optimization > URL Key

You can export all of your Product Data as a csv in System > Export, which contains all Product “url_keys”.

You can also view all Product URL keys by adding the “URL Key” to the Products Column.

I’ll help with your other post when I’m back on Tuesday.

Happy Easter :rabbit: