Where to start learning Magento 2 Development


I want an SMS extension/module for Magento 2, and I want to use local companies SMS gateway. I couldn’t find such extensions available for my country and if they are, they are very expensive because they aren’t developed or not using local SMS gateways.

So I have decided to code myself, but now I am lost at this point as where to begin? I did find some tutorials on google, but they were not for beginners, I am looking for a documentation here e.g. as its available for Android development.

Is there any such detailed documentation available for Magento extension development?

Please let me know.

I think the answer to your question will go straight over the heads of most people here (including myself).

When it comes to Magento Extensions Development, I only know of 3 sources that you could turn to right now:

If you get really good, let me know. I’m always looking for Qualified Magento 2 Developers to work with :slight_smile:


Thank you @digitalstartup. I will also like to add free resources from magento:

  1. Introduction to Magento 2
  2. Introduction to Order Management (OMS)
  3. Magento Architecture Guide

I lern Magento with youtube and the channel who helped me was Codilar | Magento development
good luck

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