Configure Default Store View

My Setup

  1. Shared server
  2. My host company installed Magento
  3. Ubuntu, Apache & PHP 7.2
  4. Magento 2.3

What I’m trying to do
My website will be in 2 different languages, which the visitor can change between through a dropdown in the upper right corner. It will be Swedish and English. I want the Swedish vesion to be the first and primary store view to be seen when entering the URL. So I have created two different store views as these photos:

I have read other threads at other help-sites that it should be a drop down in any of the store views saying “Default Store” - Yes/No but I dont have this drop down. I also trid to do this by changing the Base URL for the Swedish site to as the code and then After that I change the “Default Config” Base URL to but then I lost access to the admin panel so I had to change it back thorugh MyPhp. Any advice would be so highly appreciated!

The way I’ve seen others do similar things is by leaving the “Default” Store (aka “Svenska”) as

And then for other languages add the country codes such as,, etc…

Where abouts are you referring?

Hi Craig,

Thanks for reaching out. I do not really understand how to do this, so I would appreciate guidance. I would like the Swedish version of the store to be the first version displayed when entering the home URL Its OK that the URL redirects to automatically here.

Then in a dropdown, the visitor is able to change to English version and then I want the English version to be displayed. Here its OK that the URL redirects to

Can you please guide me how to do this.
Thank you.

Hi Craig,
Thank you again for your encouraging and motivation to be able to find own solutions to problems. I made this one, so its fixed :slight_smile:

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Awesome :+1:

Sorry, I couldn’t answer sooner. I was working away this weekend on another project. I only got back late last night. Perhaps, if you find time you could share your solution for others who need the same help?

My solution was an easy-fix :wink:
Since the theme already had 2 store views installed (English and Swedish) and English was the default language that you say at the first time entering the store. I just changed the “name/titel/Text/tag” of English to Swedish and Swedish to English. And Viola! Then “Swedish” was the first language to see when entering the URL.

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