Hi, I am an absolute beginner regarding Magento, so may be I am asking a weird question…
Excuse me for that…
I am Setting Up a brand new M installation.
Am I wrong when I see no possibilities in the Configuration > Shipping Methods for creating more than 1 Shipping Method/Rates where the customer can choose from, like:
- Method: by Carrier to Country A (Domestic) - Rate: 5,50
- Method: by Carrier to Country B (Abroad) - Rate: 8,50
- Method: Pick Up At Our Collection Desk in Our Warehouse - Rate: 0,00
Isn’t this what everyone at least needs in his/her shop?
Of course I have been googling… and I found something like: Configure Shopping Cart Price Rules.
Is that the solution to this or am I missing something?
I also saw passing by:
- Amasty Shipping Table Rates ($195)
- Mageside Shipping Matrix ($200)